Thurston County Pickleball Club logo

Donate to the General TCPC Fund

We currently have several projects in the works for Thurston County which are in need of funding. If you would like to make a general donation to help advance the club and these projects it would be greatly appreciated. Costs such as incorporation fees, liability insurance, courts upgrades and website maintenance are included in our annual budget needs.

Current Projects in Need of Funding

4 Courts at RV

Rainier Vista – Four Dedicated Courts

We are hoping to get 4 new dedicated pickleball courts added at Rainier Vista Park adjacent to the existing courts to make larger events possible at Rainier Vista.

6 courts yelm hwy

Yelm Hwy Park – Six Dedicated Courts

The new park being built on Yelm Highway at the old Spooner Berry Farms field has plans to install 6 dedicated pickleball courts and we are hoping to help fund the effort.

Wind Screen

Rainier Vista Wind Screens

As fun as it is to have the wind completely change the trajectory of your shots, sometimes it’s nice to tone it down a bit. Wind screens on the court fences will help prevent winds from affecting game play as much on the courts.

storage box

Rainier Vista Storage Box

Once the new Rainier Vista court striping is complete, we will need a place to store our temporary nets. This storage box, much like the ones on the baseball fields, will give us a local place to store them safely.

Striping Funded

Striping for 8 Courts at Rainier Vista

We currently have four dedicated courts at rainier vista, which get crowded pretty quickly in the summer. By striping the nearby tennis courts for 8 new pickleball courts, we will have a total of 12 courts to play on, greatly reducing wait times.

maintenance pickleball

Four New Portable Nets

Once we have the 8 new courts striped at Rainier Vista park, we will need to purchase 4 additional nets in order to utilize all the new courts available. These will be very handy not only for recreational play, but also for upcoming tournaments.

Not a Member Yet?

Your membership in the TCPC will help fund future projects for the TCPC and help give a greater voice to the pickleball community when it comes to working with the city to develop new playing facilities.

If you’re ready to become a member of the largest pickleball club in Thurston county, click the button below to learn about our membership policies and purchase your membership.